Kim Jong-Un is one of the most criticized leaders of his generation.
According to Globe, he is known for starving his people and for murdering his rivals.
And just recently, author Anna Fifield claimed that Jong-Un wasn’t always like this. In fact, when he was still young, he was dubbed a loser because he was a slow learner who didn’t have many friends.
The North Korean leader also lived in Switzerland for a couple of years. But as he got older, he realized that he wouldn’t excel in other parts of the world so he decided to return home.
“Kim’s years in Switzerland, during which he was enrolled in both a tony private school and a small German-speaking public school, would have taught him that if he were to live in the outside world, he would have been entirely unremarkable,” the author said.
While in Switzerland, Jong-Un lived with his aunt, uncle, as well as his cousins, and older brother. And his former best friend, Joao Micaelo said that Jong-Un had a hard time speaking in German. As such, he was ranked as one of the weakest students in school.
Four years later, Jong-Un returned to North Korea and was groomed to be the future leader of the country by Army General Hyon Chol-Hae. But it was only when he turned 27 that he officially led North Korea following the death of his dad.
However, instead of helping to modernize North Korea, Jong-Un decided to be a dictator by still using the tyrannical system. This means that killing, torturing, and crushing people are allowed.
Meanwhile, Jong-Un also made headlines recently amid reports that Russian leader Vladimir Putin has a huge debt to Jong-Un.
International Relations expert Donald Kirk claimed that the Russian leader can prevent the United States from punishing North Korea with more sanctions for all the missiles that they launched.
According to Mirror UK, Kirk is convinced that Putin would play up his close relationship with Jong-Un especially since he’s indebted to him.
Reports revealed that the two controversial leaders first met in 2019 in Russia’s far eastern port city, Vladivostok. And their bond only became stronger over time especially after North Korea expressed its support to Russia following the Ukraine attacks.
So, if Putin plans to repair Jong-Un, he could reportedly do so by sending armors and weapons to the country.