Cher allegedly wants to do her part in helping Ukraine amid the country’s ongoing war against Russia.
In its May 2 issue, Globe claimed that Cher wants to adopt twins from Ukraine who have lost their homes and families during the war. However, there are allegedly some concerns from Cher’s family and friends because she’s not getting any younger. The singer is already 75 years old.
“She can’t sit by and watch. She has a huge house in Malibu and the means to give these kids everything they need, from practical things to hugs and compassion. Suddenly, everything in life that was giving her stress doesn’t matter so much,” the source said.
The source said that Cher is especially motivated to adopt children from Ukraine because of her strained relationship with her children.
According to the insider, Cher’s son, Chaz Bono didn’t invite her to his wedding. And her other son, Elijah Allman has also been ignoring the singer.
“She’s not as close to her own kids as she’d like, so she thinks this would be a way to give back to people who really need it. She’d adopt in a minute or foster at the very least. Her friends wonder if she’s taking on too much, but Cher has the sass and willpower of someone a third her age,” the source said.
The source said that adopting children from Ukraine would involve a long and tedious process, but it’s something that Cher can handle with the help of those close to her.
“Of course, there are lots of red tapes, but if anyone can make it happen, Cher can. She almost single-handedly got Kaavan the elephant relocated from solitary confinement in a Pakistan zoo to the Cambodian Wildlife Sanctuary 3,200 miles away,” the source said.
However, one should take the tabloid’s claims with a grain of salt. As of late, Cher has not said anything concrete about adopting children from Ukraine.
By the look of it, the tabloid created this storyline after reading Cher’s tweet from weeks ago. At the time, the singer said that she wants to sponsor Ukrainian families in her home.
However, this is different from Cher adopting twins or children from Ukraine. After all, her tweet was clear about wanting to adopt entire families and not just children who lost their parents or that were abandoned during the war.